Monday, June 18, 2012

What happeend this weekend?

It was a rather eventful weekend for us. My best friend lives pretty far from me so we don't get to see each other often. However, she was down here for the weekend and ended up staying with us for a few days so on Saturday we decided to make a day of it and go to Chincoteague Island. We saw some ponies, relaxed on the beach, and enjoyed some ice cream at the Island Creamery. Good times were had! ;)
Of course Sunday was father's day. We did the usual going out to dinner (we ate at Smokey Bones) bit with the family. The best part of Father's Day (for me at least) is giving gifts to my hubby and father. I surprised my hubby with with a Xbox Kinect. He was very excited and did not expect such an expensive gift at all! My dad is a little harder to shop for. It seems that whatever he wants - he just goes out and buys himself. Needless to say - there is nothing ever on his 'wish list'. So this is what I decided to do for him...
 It's a little photo collage of Charlotte holding a sign that says "I heart pop pop!". The original plan was to have her holding the sign and smiling at the camera for one perfect photo but those of you who have toddlers know that nothing ever goes according to plan! She refused to hold the sign and just kept throwing it down. So in the end I ended up taking the partly decent photos and putting them together to get the point across. I framed it and gave it to him and he LOVED it!

Monday has been uneventful so far. Just a bunch cleaning, grocery shopping, and other boring grown up stuff. Toodles!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend!! Love those ponies!

  2. Love the look on hubbies face and Charlotte is too adorable!
