
Monday, June 3, 2013

Big Changes

Big changes are happening to our family. For the past several months, my husband has been going through the process of enlisting into the Air Force. A few weeks ago, he went to MEPs (the Military Entrance Program), and was officially sworn in. Now all we're waiting on is date for when he will be going to Basic Training. I am so proud of him for what he is doing. He is finally following his dream. Our life is going to do a complete 180, but we're ready for the changes!


  1. Congratulation! and Welcome to the ride...the ride of military life. From one military wife to another...try to enjoy(or at least grow from) it all...PCS, deployments, TDY, new friends, new cities...all of it!

  2. Oh WOW Christina! CONGRATS!! This is such BIG news and exciting news. Good luck to him and you in this fun new journey.
